Match ID: 4
Match type: Duel 1v1
Match spellbook: RavenBlack's Warlocks - ParaFC Maladroit
Time Control: 1 day(s) / turn
Description: -
Match status: Finished
- BioLogIn bows.
- Heffalump bows.
- BioLogIn points the digit of his left hand.
- BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his right hand.
- Heffalump waves their left hand.
- Heffalump proffers the palm of their right hand.
- Heffalump casts Shield at Heffalump.
- Heffalump is covered by a shimmering shield.
- BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his left hand.
- BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
- Heffalump proffers the palm of their left hand.
- Heffalump snaps the fingers of their right hand.
- Heffalump casts Shield at Heffalump.
- Heffalump is covered by a shimmering shield.
- BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
- BioLogIn waves his right hand.
- Heffalump proffers the palm of their left hand.
- Heffalump wiggles the fingers of their right hand.
- Heffalump casts Counter Spell at Heffalump.
- Heffalump is covered by a magical glowing shield.
- BioLogIn casts Summon Goblin at BioLogIn.
- Bearded Goblin is summoned to serve BioLogIn.
- BioLogIn casts Maladroitness at Heffalump.
- Heffalump's shield blurs for a moment.
- Bearded Goblin attacks Heffalump, but is deflected by a shield.
- BioLogIn waves his left hand.
- BioLogIn proffers the palm of his right hand.
- Heffalump waves their left hand.
- Heffalump waves their right hand.
- BioLogIn casts Summon Goblin at BioLogIn.
- Nasty Goblin is summoned to serve BioLogIn.
- Heffalump casts Summon Ogre at Heffalump.
- Black Ogre is summoned to serve Heffalump.
- BioLogIn casts Shield at BioLogIn.
- BioLogIn is covered by a shimmering shield.
- BioLogIn orders Nasty Goblin to attack Black Ogre.
- BioLogIn orders Bearded Goblin to attack Black Ogre.
- Heffalump orders Black Ogre to attack BioLogIn.
- Bearded Goblin attacks Black Ogre for 1 damage.
- Nasty Goblin attacks Black Ogre for 1 damage.
- Black Ogre attacks BioLogIn, but is deflected by a shield.
- Black Ogre dies.
Name: BioLogIn, HP: 15, Shield: 1
Name: Heffalump, HP: 15
Name: Bearded Goblin, HP: 1, Controlled by: BioLogIn, Attacking: Black Ogre
Name: Nasty Goblin, HP: 1, Controlled by: BioLogIn, Attacking: Black Ogre